Strategy, architecture, and development for mobile and desktop software.
Some choices are better than others.
Smartphones – tablets – browsers – performance – user experience…
We are in an era of unprecedented technology churn. All choices have risk. How do you put yourself in the best position to succeed?
Motis Consulting can help. Read more about Motis Solutions and Contact us for help with your product strategy, architecture, or development needs related to mobile or desktop software applications.
Built with quality, efficiency and experience
- Which platforms?
- What devices?
- How much will it cost?
Richness competes with reach and time-to-market. Businesses must find a best fit given the many constraints of each unique situation. Motis can provide concrete guidance to navigate through this decision process, and to make the most of where your money is spent.
Motis has the experience and know-how to provide development services directly for your needs. Or, use Motis to provide planning and guidance for your existing development staff.
Over the years Dennis has developed a network of best-in-class associates that can be called on for projects to fulfill development, documentation, business analysis, design, development, architecture, and project management needs.
Motis Consulting has a home base in the beautiful Mississippi river town of Dubuque, Iowa. But Motis has experience in distributed collaboration and development – making the hard-working and loyal qualities found in this Midwestern community available anywhere
Cartegraph Systems
– Dave Robbins, COO
“It has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your knowledge, leadership, and mentorship! I appreciate not only what you have done for the mobile field worker app but also the help you have given our mobile team.”
– Mike Dempewolf, Senior Software Engineering Manager
Flare Design and Consultancy
– Keith Boynton, Company Director
– Dan Longton, President HRgems, Inc.
Violets are blue
Dennis rocks
let him build an app for you!”
- Randy Grafton, Co-founder, Software Architect
McCullough Creative
Pars Omni
– Bill Munroe, CFO
Relyence Corporation
“Dennis is great to work with – he combines that rare combination of technical knowledge and people skills that is hard to find. Dennis’ technical expertise is top-notch. We also counted on Dennis to provide advice, guidance, and leadership for our team. We would highly recommend Motis Consulting.”- Eileen Howald, CTO
Three Rivers FS
- Dale Hefel, COO
Virtual Therapy Connect
- Co-Founders:
Martha H Ireland, PhD, RN, CS
Jennifer Arute Jones, MBA